September 7, 2024

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KAPOLRES “Gives Outstanding Personnel Award” to Improve Police Performance for the Bengkalis Community !! – Bengkalis Police Chief, AKBP Setyo Bimo Anggoro, gave awards to personnel who have excelled in carrying out their duties. The award ceremony took place in the Bengkalis Police Headquarters hall on Wednesday (12 April 2023.) During the event, AKBP

Setyo Bimo Anggoro gave various types of awards to personnel who had excelled in carrying out their duties. Types of awards given include awards for disclosure of drug cases, disclosure of illegal racing cases, the active role of personnel in managing media management, disclosure of criminal acts of trafficking in persons, first place in the Da’i Kamtibmas competition, and awards for personnel who carry out their duties properly. The award for disclosing drug cases is given to personnel who have succeeded in uncovering a large enough drug case and have succeeded in arresting the perpetrators and securing sufficient evidence. The Bengkalis Police Chief

hopes that with this award, personnel can continue to be enthusiastic about uncovering drug cases that are troubling the community. In addition, awards were also given to personnel who succeeded in uncovering illegal racing cases that often occur in the Bengkalis area. This case often causes accidents and considerable losses. The personnel who succeeded in uncovering this case deserve appreciation because they have played a role in increasing security and order in the Bengkalis area. The Bengkalis Police Chief also gave awards to personnel who were active in managing media management. These personnel continue to work to improve the image of the police in the eyes of the public through social media and other media. The Bengkalis Police Chief hopes that other personnel will emulate this positive attitude and continue to work to improve the image of the police in the eyes of the public. Awards were also given to personnel who succeeded in uncovering the crime of trafficking in persons. case