Ungkapkapkriminal.com-Subdistrict West Duri, Sunday (09/04/2023). The presence of the Head of the Mandau Sub-District, Riki Rihardi, was welcomed by the community around the An-Naba Mosque and the people of the Duri Barat Village, before the time for breaking the fast arrived, the event began with remarks by the Head of the West Duri Village, Tommy Adi Putra.”
Welcome and thank you to the Ramadhan Safari group in Mandau District who were able to attend to fulfill the invitation of the Ramadhan safari at the An-Naba Mosque in Duri Barat Village, I hope that our friendship will be carried out well on this safari, and will receive good charitable values by Allah SWT ” , said Duri Barat Village Head Tommy Adi Putra “
This Ramadhan Safari activity is a means for us as human beings to gain useful knowledge, and so that we can further enhance the relationship between us, we convey to Ladies and Gentlemen, for the development of the Duri Barat
Village which is we love this, we never stop inviting the people of Duri Barat Village to always jointly support the programs of our Regent of Bengkalis, Mrs. Kasmarni S.Sos., M.MP., for the sake of realizing Mandau District, especially Duri Barat Village, which is dignified, advanced and prosperous”, said Head of Mandau sub-district, Riki Rihardi.
After giving the speech, it was continued with a Kultum brought by Al-Ustadz Sarman Mirza, after which it was continued with breaking the fast, Maghrib prayer, Isha prayer and Tarawih in congregation, and the activity was closed by symbolically handing over assistance to the poor and orphans around the An-Naba Mosque West Duri Village.
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Camat Mandau Ricky Rihardi Menghadiri Safari Ramadhan 1444H/2023M di Kelurahan Batang Serosa
رئيس منطقة مانداو ريكي ريهاردي يحضر سفاري رمضان 1444 هـ / 2023 م في منطقة باب السلام